We at Wictor have a highly automatized production systems.
We approach the services with the same commitment to wellbeing and satisfaction, as we do our homes.

SperryWictor S.R.L. is equipped with modern laboratory instruments suitable to innovation and development exigencies of products and to requirements of customer service. The advanced technology of instruments allows to make analysis, chemical characterizations and also mechanical and technological tests. Cooperation with important international chemical companies allows, moreover, the constant scientific and professional updating of the Research and Development staff.

In confirmation of the definite engagement to continuously better the company services, respecting the environmental protection and the workers’ health and safety, SperryWictor S.R.L. spends fitting resources to promote the application of these aspects in all the company activities. This effort is expressed with the voluntary adhesion to the Responsible Care programme and with the choice of equipments enabling to minimize the negative effects of the works on the environment and to grant high safety conditions for its staff and for the community.
With this amount of Production, Raw Material, Solvents and Finished goods storage capacity, Sperry Wictor has the advantage to continuously produce adhesives and execute orders for customers around the globe.
The entire company has a well rooted fire fighting system which is periodically checked by our With this amount of Production, Raw Material, Solvents and Finished goods storage capacity, Sperry Wictor has the advantage to continuously produce adhesives and execute orders for customers around the globe.EHS consultant.
Wictor over decades built a network of distributors in different countries and managed production, quality, technical and sales support to its distributors in order to penetrate the product around the globe.
Sperry Wictor also has a solvent Condensation Plant that sucks all the solvents in the air inside the plant and condenses it back into liquid which could be reused in production.
benefits &


Sustainable Energy
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