The constant daily commitment and know-how borrowed through the acquisition of the business of the Wictor Spa led to Sperry Wictor to return to the markets of reference as one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of chemical products, developing a business model only one of its kind that allows the company to manage all phases of the process of production, distribution and marketing. Sperry Wictor has developed the “Full Quality System”, being in accordance with the latest ISO standards UNI EN and inspired by the requirements of Good Manufacturing and Laboratory, with the involvement of the entire production system and enterprise. The internal organization includes a department of “Product Support System”, organized according to the most modern principles of the sector, which, with their activities ensures compliance of production processes with international standards.
Walbury Road Upper in Essex 14, Green Sand
131 Arch Property Group
Jane Fondue
Technical assistance total quality
The “Full Quality System” implemented by Sperry Wictor, ensures standards of production and quality very high and stringent that constantly analyzes every aspect of the production process from procurement of material for processing, the control of the finished product to the sale and customer support. Operates both on the organizational and management terms, with the aim of contributing to the optimization of products, a reduction in production time and delivery, as well as better management of costs. Performs inspections and tests to ensure the compliance of the product with the quality standards of reference. Choose samples on which to carry out laboratory tests, proposes technical solutions to remove any defects and, finally, issues certificates of conformity of the finished product.

The daily MRP (Material Requirement Planning) permits a reduction in the quantity of the materials in stock, together with the complete rationalization of all the production phases necessary to obtain the finished product: from the preparation of the mixers to the dissolution and laboratory checking, from the draining to the packaging and to the storage. The computerized management of the solvent taking, such as the high automation in the preparation of the labels for the packages, permits also to ensures high productive efficiency. In confirmation of the definite engagement to continuously improve the company services, respecting the environmental protection and the workers’ health and safety, Sperry Wictor Srl spends resources to promote the application of these aspects in all the company activities. This effort is expressed with the voluntary adhesion to the Responsible Care program and with the choice of equipments enabling to minimize the negative effects of the works on the environment and to grant high safety conditions for its staff and for the community. The emissions into the atmosphere are destroyed by a special plant which recovers the solvents “used” in the production process. Sperry Wictor Srl also uses in the production process the “Solvent recovering plant” by cryogenic gas. The plants recovers over 98% of solvent vapours (SOV).”
A line of the technical assistance centre is active 24 hours a day thanks to the work of commercial and technical experts with important experience and competence.
The commitment of Wictor in constantly improving the production processes, in order to satisfy the requirements of the customers and protect the environment, certifies a quality management system for research, development, production and marketing in compliance with all the safety standards. Moreover, it respects the safety controls required by ARPA for the ecological safety program.